On the off chance that you are searching for an approach to win additional wage, need to switch your profession or need to begin a little business, an online business can be a flawless approach to procure huge cash.
I would prefer not to persuade you why you ought to begin an online business in light of the fact that you know its potential & you are as of now perusing in daily papers & TV channels about the individuals or organizations who turned into moguls & even tycoons from the online business.
All you need to know is an impeccable thought to begin an online business!
I would prefer not to persuade you why you ought to begin an online business in light of the fact that you know its potential & you are as of now perusing in daily papers & TV channels about the individuals or organizations who turned into moguls & even tycoons from the online business.
All you need to know is an impeccable thought to begin an online business!
I have made money from all these online businesses & based on my experience, I am writing about these online business ideas.
Also refer:- 50 Home Based Business Ideas with Low Investment
So read about these ideas below, focus on one that you like most-
1. Blogging
I am blogging full time from the last 5 years & I can confidently say there is no other online business idea than blogging.
Until & unless, your aim is to make millions of dollars a year, blogging is the best business idea for every one.
There are thousands of people in India & all over the world who are making $5000+ to $10,000+ from blogging.
Blogging is nothing but creating a website & writing about your experiences, passion, ideas & many more topics. People visit your website & you make money.
“Oh no! I don’t know anything about creating a website or writing”.
I thought the same as you are thinking now, when I first heard about blogging.
But thanks to my willingness. I was very excited to do something different. I accepted the challenge.
But it was much simple than my thought. I started earning from the first month itself & you can see my earning here.
Now there may be many questions in your mind related to blogging.
Don’t worry, you can know each & everything about blogging from the
links below-
- Top 10 Practical Ways to Make Money from Blogging
- Google AdSense Earnings from Blogging
- Can Blogging be Taken as a Career
We have written a complete guide for beginners who want to know about
blogging & want to make money from this. You can signup here &
receive our guide.
2. Become an online seller
If you are looking for a simple online business then there is nothing better than becoming an online seller.
Whether its Flipkart, Amazon, eBay, AliExpress or any other shopping site, you can signup there as a seller & make money by selling different products.
There is no problem if you don’t have any product. In fact, thousands
of sellers who are making money as a seller does not have their own
They just buy it from the local market at a very cheap rate & sell it at a higher price on these sites. You can join any or all the shopping sites & start selling.
3. Become a freelancer
Freelancing is another best online business anyone can start. There
are number of best freelancing sites where you can signup & provide
number of services to the people or companies.
You can charge a fixed amount or on hourly basis for a particular
project. There are many online services you can provide as a freelancer.
You can check sites like Elance, Upwork, Freelancer.com & many other sites provided here to do some research on different types of work people provide & charges they take for providing the work.
Many people make $500+ as a freelancer. And there are freelancers who
make even more than $5000+ a month from this online business.
4. Create a YouTube channel
YouTube partner program is another online business opportunity
provided by Google to create quality videos, publish it on YouTube &
make money.
You can create a YouTube channel based on a particular topic & then publish similar videos on regular basis in your channel.
You can then join YouTube partner program where you can earn money for each & every video views.
- How to Join YouTube Partner Program
- 25 Video Ideas for YouTube Partner Program
5. Training & Consultancy
If you are an expert in some field then you can provide online
consultancy & training to the people who are looking for your
This is one of the best business idea because you can provide training & consultancy to the people all over the world.
Some of the examples like Online Classes, Vaastu, Nutrition, Body
Building, Accounting, Job Placement, Finance Advice, Gadget Repairing,
Coding, Stock Trading, Certificate Courses, Health & Fitness,
Cooking or anything you are expert in.
You can create a website or a Facebook page & use these simple methods to promote your online business.
6. Domain & Website Flipping
Domain flipping & Website flipping are 2 separate online business
ideas. You can buy domain & website for cheap & sell it for
much higher price.
If you are interested in domain trading then you need to research
domain that people may be interested in future. You need to buy such
quality domains & then list these domain on GoDaddy auctions or other marketplace to sell if for 50 times or higher price.
If you are interested in website flipping then you can buy the
established websites for under $100, work on it for 3-4 months &
sell it for double, triple or even more price.
- How to Start a Domain Flipping Business?
- How to Start Website Flipping Business
7. Online Network marketing
Whether you like or not but network marketing or MLM (multilevel marketing) is one of best business idea you can start. 
There are hundreds of Indian or Global MLM companies you can join & promote online. You can make money simply by referring people in the company.
Its better if you choose an established company with a good product.
You need to research & make sure that the company you join don’t
have any problem in future.
8. Manage Social Media Profiles
Do you know there are thousands of high profile people, small or
medium business who need individual like you who can manage their social
You can manage their Twitter or Facebook account & update on
regular basis. You will be responsible for increasing the followers
& engagement.
You can earn $200 to $1000 for managing one single account. You need
to learn digital marketing before you can start this business.
9. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is another most popular online business you can
start. Here, you need to signup as an affiliate in a company &
promote its product.
There is a great income potential in affiliate marketing but its not that simple to work as an affiliate.
There are hundreds of best affiliate marketing companies like Amazon,
Flipkart, Clickbank, Commission Junction & many others you can join
& promote.
Below is great resource for you-
- Basics of affiliate marketing
- Top 10 affiliate marketing network
- Signup for free training
10. Outsourcing Business
Do you know there is no better online business than outsourcing because you don’t have to do anything in this business.
But you need to establish yourself as authority or brand if you want to make huge money from this business.
There are millions of companies worldwide who can pay any amount but need quality work as per their standard.
And there are millions of freelancers who can provide the high quality work at a fraction of price these companies pay.
You can take the orders from such companies & outsource all the work to these freelancers & make a great profit.
Some of the platforms you can use for this outsourcing business is Elance, UpWork, Fiverr, Freelancer.com & many others as shown here.
11. Sell Photos Online
Are you an excellent photographer? Then there is a chance of making great income by selling your photos online.
There are dozens of photo sharing sites where you can upload your photograph & make money from each & every download.
Read the complete information here.
12. Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistant is one of the best online business idea & is
very popular among women. This work is like a personal assistant but in
this case you don’t need to physically present to assistant your client.
You can help people with your skills & manage their business
partially as per their instructions. There are number of sites like
People Per Hour, Elance, Fiverr etc. where you can find unlimited
opportunities for you.
13. Startup
There is no better time than this for a start-up. You can find dozens
of start-ups daily in countries like India, USA & others.
If you have any great idea & want to start your own company then its very easy now a days to get funding from number of Venture Capital firms.
14. Make Money Sites
There are more than 50 sites which provide online make money opportunities. Different company has different concept, e.g. some companies pay you for reading the ads, some pay you for data
entry, some for online survey, some for promoting their products & many others.
You can check list of all make money sites here. We have provided complete training on how to start this work.
15. Forex Trading
There is no hot business than Forex trading if you have great
understanding of the market. People make thousands of dollars in Forex
But there is risk of losing your money if you don’t have proper idea
on this. And that is the reason, it’s not advisable for everyone.
If you want to start this business then you need to learn this
completely & you should always try with small amounts before you
become confident.
There are dozens of websites such as Forex Crunch
which provide the great tips & daily insights of the market and you
should regularly check these sites to get the knowledge.
16. Create a Membership Site
Creating a membership site is very lucrative home based business
model where you can get comfort to work in your own premises of your
home and set up your own office from there.
You can decide products, services or contents to sell on your membership site.
You can announce free as well as paid membership where free
membership will have limited access to features and products while paid
members will get full access to your website.
Your only investment will be to purchase domain name and hosting.
The selection of the niche will be important factor since this
decides your customer base joining your site. Check one of the best
article describing “how to build a membership site in 48 hrs”.
I am sure, there is at least one online business idea that you liked
the most & you can start today. If you want to become successful in
any of the business idea above, then get ready to work hard.